Limiting Beliefs and How to Overcome Them…

Hope you are having a wonderful Labor Day holiday. Last week I shared a video about limiting beliefs and how to overcome them. I had just finished recording a video presentation for an international music business conference where I was invited to present and felt the...
Empathy, Motherhood, and Business

Empathy, Motherhood, and Business

Can you envision any parallels between the way you approach your business and how you parent?As we are now coming back to school and our kids are entering a new routine, I’m curious to know what that looks like for you and your family.⁣A few weeks ago, my son Fabio...

Creating community in times of isolation…

It’s been two weeks since my Musician’s Profit Umbrella Group Coaching Program for Women Musicians started. A select group of women from all around the world became a part of this transformational experience with a true commitment to unify their strengths...