Here is what leading musicians and music educators have to say about working with Fabiana Claure.

What our clients have to say about working with Fabiana

Examples of Music Businesses Created by Fabiana’s Clients

Watch Fabiana’s Clients Success Stories

Doubled his income and went from teaching 18-20 hours to 5 hours per week

 “Going from pretty much eighteen/twenty hours to five hours is just amazing. There are several things that are possible for me now. I’m gonna now be able to focus more on marketing and doing it the right way.

Deigo Alonso, Founder of Diego Alonso Music

Made $22,000 after 1 month of working with Fabiana

This has been life changing. Every day that you delay not doing the program is the day that you’re losing money. Now that I’ve seen the success just in the short amount of time and the possibility of is are endless. And it’s it’s it’s really exciting to be thinking about these bigger dreams and bigger goals that I couldn’t think of before. Every day that you delay not doing the program is the day that you’re losing money.””

Renee Delescavage, Founder of Renee’s Music Studio

Launched his online music consulting business and made $5K after 10 weeks. Went from working from 60-70 hours a week to 20-30.

I went from working from 60-70 hours a week to 20-30! I can foresee a new life for myself. That I can actually make a life that’s healthier and not full of burnout. I am able to see tangibly that I am happier. That has been really powerful. This was a bit out of my comfort zone. But I absolutely have grown from it. I’ve grown as a person, my business has grown, my vision has grown. So those are the things that are really possible.”

Dawson White, Founder of Aspire Music 

Launched her online group cello program and made 25K in 3 months while working fewer hours

“I just made 101k this year with the help of Fabiana Claure! I am celebrating the support of Fabiana Claure, coach extraordinaire, and trusting in her to help me to work daily to access and nurture my musician entrepreneur persona.”

Marcie Brown, Founder of The Cello Guru

Launched her online voice program and made $7500 with her first three students from India while working fewer hours than she had ever in her life

“This program is so good. I can tell you it’s been really helpful for me to build my business, but also making that mind shift and not really thinking one on one all the time, but thinking how you can make a holistic change in a student.”

Deirdre Lobo, Founder of Ovima-Global

Launched her online voice program and generated more in two months more than she earned in the entire previous year

“And so I realized that I have a great amount of value to offer to them just like Fabiana had a great amount of value to offer to me because just like, you know, just like my students trying to guess what the judges aren’t wanting. Instead of it being a burden, there is a blessing to them, and they’re excited for me. I have now created a six month course, and I sold high ticket clients, and I much more fulfilled have more time for singing and my family.”

Raquel King, Founder of King Classical NWA

Launched her online piano improvisation program, quadrupled her rates and quit her job after 25 years of teaching in a music school.

“I was looking for different ways to make a living with high tickets offer and have a more time for myself. And when I met Fabiana, it became clear that I needed to join her program and to build my online business. And so today I’m resigning from my job. It’s a challenge also, but I’m so much happier thinking that I have a plan for the future. I wanna thank Fabiana and also encourage everyone to think that this is possible for you have a better life where you work a lot less and where you feel that you’re valued.

Josee Allard, Workshop Facilitator and Founder of Creative Music

Erin went from teaching 14 hours a week to 1 hour a week while grouping her students, raising her rates, and winning her time back.

“I’ve already exceeded my annual teaching salary, like by a great deal. And that’s just with my online program, my in-person program right now is on track to make more than $20,000 for one hour of teaching a week. I should also note that I did not lose a single student and in fact, I have nine new clients in my group program. It’s a very, very worthwhile investment.”

Erin Brophey, Director and Founder of Oboe Path

Launched her online voice program and made $3000 in 3 months with her first client

“It’s a wonderful place to be. And you will just continue to find those things that will continue to resonate with you in this program and taking any time you’re on it is such a wonderful job of taking you step by step in finding what you need to bring out the best in you as a musician with these new and more efficient and higher goals. It will lead you to places that you are beginning to see and will continue to come to fruition.”

Allysa Packard, Founder of Allysa Packard Voice Studio

Alisa transformed her teaching model, doubling her income while working fewer hours and providing more value to her students.

“.I was just doing the traditional model… I wanted to give more, but I didn’t have the tools… Now I feel like I’m coming into a place where I will be able to give them more of a deluge of information… I’m excited to be part of this revolution.

Alisa Larsen, Founder of Alisa Larsen Voice

Jeffrey transformed his teaching studio into a hybrid model, freeing up his time while increasing his revenue by 40%.

“Through Fabiana’s mentorship, I’ve built a hybrid model for my teaching studio, blending online coaching with in-person lessons. This approach not only freed up my time but allowed me to increase my rates by 40%. It’s been a transformative process, making my teaching more efficient while providing greater value to my students. “

Jeffrey CastleTrumpet Professor at UTSA Trumpet Studio  

Alicia launched a $3000 mentorship program for aspiring University of Music students.

Lo and behold, she kind of blew me out of the water. It was just that process of having the material and the the vault of knowledge available to me that made things become clearer. It feels like it was really good decision and just I would say, trust your gut, and you can certainly trust this program.”

Alicia Randisi-Hooker, Owner of Cello Leap Studio

Eric was able to save 10-12 hours a week after restructuring his music school. Now he was able to generate revenue and focus on other projects.

” I was able to save about 10 to 12 hours a week. I’ve been able to focus on my other projects that I have outside of here, which has been able to help me have a lot more flexibility and have passive income here. “

Eric Brown

 Grew his music composition online business and now has 8X his income, and has removed 80 hours a month of extra work he no longer needs

“Fabiana really helped me to restructure my program. She helped me see how I could provide those lessons in a way that actually saves me a lot of time and I’m effectively able to remove all these extra jobs. And now I can really focus on the things that I want to focus on. It completely changed my life, and it was the best decision I ever made.”

Kevin Ure, Founder of UreMusic

Transitioning from 46 hours of teaching per week to just 5-6 hours, Hannah can now enjoy cooking dinner and having a night off. 

“It’s amazing what having more time does for your quality of life. I’m able to teach better because of it, just happier in general and it’s so nice to come home and be able to just cook a dinner and have a night off. So winning back time and my mindset, just valuing what I do a lot more. I went from doing private voice lessons as an extra.”

Hannah Minner, Voice Coach and Founder of H.M. Vocal Studio

Generated $18,000 in less than 3 months and went from 25 hours of teaching to 3 hours per week

 “I feel like the last three, four years, all I’ve been doing is teaching, and I’m excited to have more time to play and explore my own musicianship. I’m starting a few less pressure from my from my living situation, I have it feels like more, creativity, more room to think about bigger thing you know, other things, and I’m not just, like, in this little little box. It’s given me, like, a whole, you know, world of possibilities, and I think that’s that’s a huge takeaway for me.”

Holly Gramlich, Owner of Ms Holly Violin Studio

“My God, Fabiana is a genius.

It’s just incredible. Absolutely brilliant.”

“It was just an awesome feeling to be able to get paid in like one sitting, because I have never received this kind of check in my life, just like from a single person. So that was awesome and great.”

Alexandra Tsirkel, Founder of Piano Excellence for Life

Helena and Xun launched their online group piano program at $3k per student.

“For a three month program, I decided to go with $3500 and for a six month program, we did $6000. It’s going to be an eye opening program for you. Look at how happy we are now. This is the best decision we made. You will learn a lot” 

Helena Aung and Xun Xu, Founder of Helena Aung Piano

Fanya launched her first high-ticket program, charging $6,000 for 6 months after only 2 months. 

So just in this 2 to 3 months, I build my business. I have a name and register for the LLC. I’ve created the sales page for it. I’ve designed the program and the course work load for it..”

Fanya Lin, Creator of Peak Performance

Restructured her existing in-person piano program. 10x her semester income earning $40K in 3 months while working 50% less hours

My bank account is much larger. My income for the fall term has just grown ten times over what it was in the spring. I grew up with a music teacher at home and then I became a music teacher and I just never thought that what you can do with this program can allow you to make so much more money. And if you’re looking for financial freedom, this program will definitely give you that ability.”

Ashley Mekeel

Launched her first online music consulting offer in 1 month and made $10,000 with her first three clients.

“Before, I was fulfilling 100% of everything that I was offering, so now I was able to create a system so I could delegate a lot of work to one of my assistants. I appreciated being in Fabiana’s world. Fabiana’s personality is the right mix of tough love and compassion and it was very good for me. I got the results after the first month and I was able to come up with an offer that I felt like provided value to my clients.”

Kesha Janaan

“I think that I have so much more clarity on that. I’m proud that I started this course. I’m proud that I jumped in.”

“This was a great adventure. And I’m glad I took the leap. And I’m glad that I my whole world has been open to a whole bunch of new resources, new possibilities, new network of people just has been awesome. “

Julie Pearson, Founder of JP Vocal Worship

“I was much more direct and confident with what I was offering and the ‘yes’ was faster.”

It feels like a relief. I have what I need so I can take what I want in the rest of my life. And my work is being honored that I way I feel it should be so that is personally rewarding and exciting.”

Morgan Strickland, Co-Founder of SOPAC Ottawa

“The program gives really expands your horizon of your thoughts and belief system.”

“So it really expanded my view of life itself. I think it broadened the range of my network and how to prioritize things. I think I have a lot of positive energy that I didn’t feel like I had for a long time. ”

Grace Lee, Creator of Amazing Grace Lee

Creates a Life of Freedom and Fulfillment

“My family lives on the other end of the country, and I am able able to work really while I’m with them . I don’t have to, take leave or, have a big break. And then that also would allow me to travel more to, concerts and and conferences as a composer. This has really helped me see where I am overscheduling myself, doing things that I really should be delegating, and really focusing on what do I do well.” 

Dawn Sonntag

“The biggest thing I’ve learned is to surround yourself with people who are doers.”

“When I first started, I just had an idea of what I wanted to do but I didn’t know where to start. And now my website is up and I’m starting a podcast. When you’re surrounded by people who don’t let things stop them, then you won’t let anything stop you. I love everyone in our program cause we’re like family.”

Susan Monteiro, Owner of Monteiro Music Studio

Started her new program within the first two and a half months and had her first one-on-one coaching client.

“It’s an amazing self-discovery. Listening to Fabiana, not only my getting coaching from her, but listening to her coach others through their journey and what things they’re working on, I’ve learned so much from them. And the training vault is amazing! There’s so much in there!”

Hemdah Salonimer, Owner and Director of Hemdah’s Music Studios, LLC

Leith launched her first program in less than 6 months and her program costs $3500

“She will think of you as a wonderful human being who has unlimited potential, and she will help you reveal that in a way you could not even imagine. But she will help you see yourself in a whole new light, and you will love yourself more than you even imagined possible. I couldn’t have achieved that without the support of the program. Fabiana is so amazing. This lady cares beyond what you can possibly imagine.”

Leith Bell, Founder and CEO of Bell Music Business Hub

Denise made her first sale in 2 months charging $5000

“What I’ve come to discover and what I’ve since found out about myself is that really we afford anything we want to afford and I just made the necessary adjustments in my own finances in order to pay for Fabiana and to pay for her amazing program and I’m so glad that I did…..Fabiana has been a great sense of support and a great sense of peace because it is a rollercoaster ride when you decide to break out and do something like this.

Dr. Dennis Ritter

Dr. Cara made her first sale in 2 months charging $4,600

“It was a crazy leap of faith…I thought ‘I’ll learn how to create an online business’…I did get all of that, in the 6 month program with Fabiana, but I got so much more. Thanks to Fabiana’s approach to ‘let’s create something that is about all of you, all of your skillset,’ I am bravely ready to step into that world and say this is my authority, what I’m about, and I have something to offer, and I’m ready to serve and support musicians”

Dr. Cara Chowning, Vocal Coach at Ball State University and Owner of In-Tune Artistry

Valerie launched her first program and helps musicians.

“Fabiana understands so many elements of every aspect of our lives as musicians, to the point that she understood things about me that I didn’t even know about myself. Since working with Fabiana I’ve learned so much about the nuts and bolts of being an entrepreneurial musician…”

“She understood things about me that I didn’t even know about myself”

Valerie Dueck, CEO at Valerie Dueck Piano

“I am a better educator, entrepreneur, and life-long learner because of this amazing coaching program with Fabiana!” 

“I knew that I needed to expand my personal and professional horizons in a new way, but wasn’t sure how. Working with Fabiana Claure as a coach and within the MPU program of support was exactly what I needed. I discovered the clarity, encouragement and engagement I was searching for, along with the camaraderie and mentoring this type of ongoing journey requires. Looking at my career and life through a new lens required careful direction, nurturing and sometimes a big push into unknown experiences. If you need a one-stop shop to pull together your superpowers, learn more about who you are, what you want to give to the world and have consistent support while accomplishing all – look no further than Fabiana Claure and her MPU program. I am a better educator, entrepreneur, and life-long learner because of this amazing coaching program with Fabiana! If you are considering working with her, do not hesitate! I’m forever changed in the best way possible!”

Courtney Blankenship, Director of Music Business at Western Illinois University, Personal Harmony Coach

“After taking the program, I found a clearer vision for my future, felt ease in my everyday work, and created bigger dreams to aspire to.”

 “Before the program I felt like I was stuck in the swamp of the never ending hard work and it seemed there was no way out. After taking the program, I found a clearer vision for my future, felt ease in my everyday work, and created bigger dreams to aspire to. I feel confident that I have a meaningful service to offer to the world, and I am not afraid to connect with people and tell them about it. It is exciting to know that this is only the beginning of the journey and not feeling like at a dead end. I am mostly thrilled about finding a path forward and gaining confidence. I used to doubt and second guess most of my decisions, and proceed very carefully with every step. That not only took a long time to do anything, but also was mentally exhausting. MPU was definitely a transformative experience for me. The program is valuable for anyone who is struggling with finding direction and clarity in their endeavors. I am no longer a victim of my environment and it feels liberating.”

Dr. Irina Pevzner, Executive Director and Piano Professor
at Charleston Academy of Music


“I am so excited for the direction I am heading with my business!”

“Fabiana has blown me away with the content for this program and I am so excited for the direction I am heading with my business! I have made great strides in my own personal transformation that I didn’t expect. This program is life-changing if you are willing to do the work. ”

Kerri Turner, Pianist and Nationally Certified Teacher of Music, President of Pensacola Music Teachers Association

“Fabiana is wonderful because she she’s always so inspiring. It’s just always so positive.”

“She always is always very supportive and encouraging. So even I consider my win is a small win. And she she still gives me a lot of compliments on what I’ve done.”

Sheung-ping Lai, Creator of Advanced Music Theory and Music Composition

“What I learned in the past 6 months is probably more that what I had learned in the past 10 years”

“You are an amazing inspiration. Your program has never stopped giving me wide eye-opening experiences. What I learned in the past 6 months is probably more that what I had learned in the past 10 years. Thank you so much for all your hard work, energy, guidance, and support in our journey.”

Stacie Yao
Pianist and Director of Music at St. Gabriel the Archangel, Glenn Rock, New Jersey

“I learned profoundly about connecting my identity and my content to be sustainable and meaningful for years to come.”

“I have been friends with Fabiana before taking this course, and I have always admired her music business experience chops. During this program, her knowledge was communicated in a compassionate, encouraging and supportive way with her highest commitment. She has been inspiring, knowing exactly how to do and what to do. I found the MPU to be a very personable program in a group setting. Fabiana’s experience as a business owner and a professor made sense so much during the training. This program pushed my comfort zone and realized my confidence; thus, I grew more as a human being. I learned profoundly about connecting my identity and my content to be sustainable and meaningful for years to come.”

Dr. Mihoko Watanabe
Professor of Flute and Chair of the Certificate in
Entrepreneurial Music program at Ball State University

What our recent clients are saying

“I want to thank you for joining us to present yesterday.   You took them out of their comfort zones and expanded their minds to what it really takes to turn their “dream project” into a revenue-generating business. Thanks for your energy, your individual feedback to the students, and your thought and care in preparing this topic.  I really appreciate it.”

Monique Mead, Director of Music Entrepreneurship, Carnegie Mellon University.

Fabiana Claure’s superb video presentation entitled “Women as Musician Entrepreneurs” proved to be a fascinating and inspiring hour for the piano majors at SMU’s Meadows School of the Arts!

Dr. Claure, herself a model of the 21st c  musician-entrepreneur, offered highlights from the lives of three extraordinary female pianist-composers and demonstrated how they were able to actively display their talent and individuality to world. Dr. Claure also beautifully performed virtuosic compositions by each of these amazing women: F. Mendelssohn, Clara Schumann, and T. Carreño.  A highly recommended presentation!”

Dr. Carol Leone
Chair of Piano Studies and Professor of Piano, SMU Meadows School of the Arts

“Dr. Claure’s presentation was highly interactive and provided actionable information to our students at UTSA. The students were very engaged and came out of Dr. Claure’s talk equipped to think creatively on how they can launch a truly unique music-related venture. For the last several years I have had the pleasure of having Dr. Fabiana Claure as a professional colleague. We have often met at conference gatherings such the Music Entertainment and Industry Educator Association (MEIEA) and the National Association of Music Merchants (NAMM). I attended several of Dr. Claure’s presentations at both events and was amazed by her eloquence, mastery of the content she covered, and her ability to establish a true connection with her audience. I am continually impressed with Dr. Claure’s dedication to her profession, to the promotion of education and research in our field and her commitment to her students in the Music Business and Entrepreneurship program at University of North Texas (UNT).

Dr. Stan Renard
Associate Professor of Music Marketing Coordinator of the Music Marketing Program

The University of Texas at San Antonio, TX

Thank you for speaking to PMTA.   I know that teachers/musicians are in different places in their lives professionally and personally and sometimes they just need a different perspective on how to look at their life. I specifically chose you because of your unique position as a pianist and entrepreneur and breaking that mold of what is an ideal career path.  We often get stuck in what the ideal success is and as you said, it is up to us to create what our own success looks like, not anybody else’s idea of success. Sometimes we have to get over our own fear of what is holding us back and make the daily goals that mean the most to us in order to make a difference in our lives and in others.  On the day that you were presenting I heard on the radio that morning that you are the best project to work on, so make the most of it.  I thought it was a fitting sentiment for the focus of the day. Thank you again for speaking with PMTA, and I hope it will garner success for not only you, but also the members of PMTA.

Carmela CouvillonPianist and Piano Teacher, Vice President of Plano Music Teachers Association

Former University of North Texas Music Business Students

“Reality, creativity, and persistence, is the Fabiana formula that gets you to where you want to go…”

“Rarely when we start are we thinking of how we’re going to reconcile that vision of an artist with financial reality. One of the most important things that Dr. Claure starts is breaking down what the reality of what our industry is: how we make money, what streams of income there are, what opportunities there are, what the data says about who is or isn’t successful. First of all, understanding what that is, and then being able to reconcile some of our more personal needs into that reality….however, while that reality might be jarring to a musician, the next step is developing that sense of creativity.”

Carson Dorsey
Soprano and Senior Digital Presence Manager at Gannett |

“We have been profitable since our first month in business…”

“Fabiana has supported me in multiple entrepreneurial ventures, including opening a music store and expanding an existing arts nonprofit. Through Fabiana’s eyes, I’ve learned to see opportunities instead of hurdles.

Fabiana has been someone I go to for support, advice, or a push when I’m feeling bogged down by everything that needs to get done.

While I’ve learned many things from working with Fabiana, my biggest takeaway is to just do it. Just take action. Just start somewhere.  In addition to helping me with my own doubts, Fabiana provided specific tools and resources to ideate, plan, and stay focused on my endeavors. She truly leads by example, and I continue to be amazed by how much she achieves because of her “can do” spirit and optimism.

Owning and operating a music store with my husband and repair specialist, Tony Barrette, has been an exciting journey. We have been profitable since our first month in business and have grown our inventory asset to five times its original value in just two years. Recently, I was hired at the Dallas Symphony as the Director of Education. I will always be grateful to Fabiana for helping me get to where I am today!”

Dr. Jen Guzman
Clarinetist/Entrepreneur , Director of Education Dallas Symphony Orchestra

“I still utilize some of Fabiana’s techniques and methods”

“Before I started working with Fabiana I was interested in becoming more entrepreneurial but had not fully embraced the practice as a lifestyle. After studying with her, I developed far better insight into the implementation of music entrepreneurship into my professional career and my business.
I now serve as Assistant Professor of Arts Management & Entrepreneurship at Baldwin Wallace University, where I still utilize some of Fabiana’s techniques and methods from my time as her student as well as in the day to day operations of my business.”

Dr. Sean Murphy
Saxophonist/Entrepreneur, Assistant Professor of Arts Management and Entrepreneurship Baldwin Wallace University

“She also gave me the courage to not be afraid, anymore, of pursuing a career in music.”

“I want to thank Professor Fabiana Claure for helping me finish my website and for helping me build my music career. I took Professor Claure’s Music Entrepreneurship and Career Development class and she helped me with my vision of building a music school for children by helping me develop a 15-page business plan (with powerpoint slides that illustrate the plan) to pitch to potential investors after graduation.
She also gave me the courage to not be afraid, anymore, of pursuing a career in music.”

Jackson Eli

“She pushes to bring the absolute best in you…”

“My biggest shift when it came to meeting and being mentored by Fabiana was that she helped me believe in stepping into my big ideas. The goals that scare me because of their seeming weight and long-distance are the ones that she followed with me into detailed points. In every session of putting together a detailed and workable business plan, Fabiana pushed me beyond my comfort zone. She wouldn’t let me take any easy ways out, but questioned my motive and intention behind every decision I made along my path. This inspired a completely fresh way of thinking for me.

After enough time of coming into our sessions, it became such a wonderful impulse to push for my most excellent, most clarified ideas. It also became clear how much I needed to be intentional about every detail relating to my business/artistry – from how I present myself, to how I connect and interact, to the product/s I deliver.

Fabiana believes that each person has the ability to bring wealth to the world in way of their personal gifts, ideas and ability. She pushes to bring out the absolute best in you and helps you find ways to plan your footsteps along your own yellow brick road toward your goals. I miss every session, and would recommend her mentorship to the highest degree. She is a phenomenal, inspiring and wonderful person, musician, teacher and mentor and will help you transform the way you envision your own goals as well as bring to light the incredible capacity for brilliance that exists if you are brave enough to look a little further.”

Callandra Youngleson
Jazz vocalist, educator, composer and collaborator living in Chicago, originally from Johannesburg, South Africa

“With Dr. Claure’s assistance, I was able to adjust and fine-tune in ways I wasn’t able to do on my own.”

“Before working with Dr. Claure, I knew that I had a good idea but wasn’t sure how to make my idea into a full-blown business. My biggest fear was wasting time and money on a business that wouldn’t be successful. I was struggling with how to put it all together.
I already have a small business that is doing well but I built that without a focused plan, just an idea, hope and passion. I now have something to execute to and keep me focused and on track. I was able to see the holes in my plan.
With Dr. Claure’s assistance I was able to adjust and fine-tune in ways I wasn’t able to do on my own. Right now I am in the building process with my technology, it will be a while before I can launch, but I know when my online program is ready, I will be ready to sell it and market it successfully.

Whitney James
Jazz singer

“The experience was unparalleled…”

“I was a part of the inaugural class of students to take Dr. Claure’s music entrepreneurship courses at UNT. My time in Dr. Claure’s courses was positive and helpful, equipping me with additional tools to grow and sharpen my business acumen as a musical entrepreneur. The experience was unparalleled in that it was not just an entrepreneurship course, but one specifically geared towards me as both a singer-songwriter and music therapist running an arts-based health and wellness business.”

Other quotes about Fabiana

I would be thrilled for our College of Music to receive such an impressive, national recognition under any circumstance. That Dr. Claure achieved this level of national notoriety so quickly is truly remarkable. We are all thrilled for her and for the future of this vitally important program.”

“Fabiana has made a tremendous impact on the launch of our music entrepreneurship initiatives, including our business plan competition and the recent launch of our MBA in Music Business, in partnership with the G. Brint Ryan College of Business.”

Dr. John Richmond, Dean of the UNT College of Music

“This is such good stuff going on here at UNT! Happy that our students can take advantage of these opportunities to develop their dreams and goals into PLANS for when they leave school. Fabiana Claure is doing wonderful work!”

Vocal Jazz Division, University of North Texas