Are you wondering how you’ll go back to the regular school schedule while juggling work, practicing your instrument, and overseeing your kid’s online learning?
No worries!
I’ve got you covered.
When the pandemic started and schools were closed, one of the key issues I knew I wanted to address was how to juggle working from home while also homeschooling my kids.
Fortunately, I have three friends who are wonderful musicians and also homeschooling mothers.
I created a 3-part interview series where I invited them to share their experiences balancing their lives as musicians and homeschooling mothers.
They shared many valuable tips and suggestions for all of us musician mothers who all of the sudden had to figure out how to juggle everything.
Now that the school year is about to begin again, I wanted to remind all of you wonderful members of my community to join my free FB group “Entrepreneurial Musician Mothers” and tap into these helpful interviews.
I hope you find them useful.
Inside my group, I also shared a live video today where I discussed more insights into how to reframe time management and how to embrace a perspective of abundance rather than scarcity.
I talked about a great concept called Einstein time which allows you to get twice as done in half the time – and have a good time doing it!
If you’d like to be a part of this incredible free community and get lots of insight into how to start the school year in a successful and entrepreneurial way, then click here to join my FB group “Entrepreneurial Musician Mothers.”

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