One of the biggest breakthroughs you can have as a C.E.O. is realizing which part of your business you don’t need to be involved in on a day-to-day level.
This absolutely takes self-reflection, and it’s something my clients learn in the course of the Musician’s Profit Umbrella business mentorship program. I can cover this idea in two ways. First, look at the main areas of business and see which ones you have a natural tendency to excel at.
These can include things like…
Just looking at this list, there’s probably one that stands out to you right away as a “no, I really don’t want to do that!” As a freelancer or solopreneur, I see others experience this constant pressure that they need to be good at EVERYTHING in their business, and it’s a quick path to burnout.
For me, accounting is something I see on that list right away and I tell myself “I’m so glad I hired support for that part of my business.” A few years into our music academy, we finally hired a bookkeeper and a C.P.A. My husband had been taking care of this for the first few years of our business, and when we finally outsourced this the response we got was “you shouldn’t be doing your own books…you’re pianists, not accountants!”
Whereas something like marketing comes much more naturally to me! I have a natural excitement and connection with this part of my business. I also LOVE creating systems to help my clients build businesses from a place of ease and flow. It allows us to get a sense of how we can make our business work without depending on us. This became especially important when we moved across the country for my role at UNT and suddenly I was running my first business completely remotely.
Outsourcing doesn’t have to mean hiring someone full-time right away, either.
You can start by outsourcing just 10 hours per month and see what that time opens up for you in terms of stepping into the C.E.O. role in your business. Although outsourcing is something we cover a bit later in the Musician’s Profit Umbrella® program, it’s never too early to start thinking like a C.E.O. and moving into a place of feeling more empowerment and time freedom. Now is the time to reflect and make CEO decisions to reach your next level of growth.
I’d love to hear your thoughts on this! Comment down below!
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