We all want to increase our revenue without increasing our time or sacrificing our quality of life. What that comes down to, then, is not simply bringing in more money through more sales or more products. Rather, it’s all about maximizing your profitability efficiently.
Looking Inward before Chasing Music Business Profits
We often get caught up in the tactics and strategies about becoming wealthy and creating the abundance and prosperity that we deserve. But it truly starts with you. Look at yourself in the mirror and ask yourself: are you really ready for profitability? Are you ready for prosperity? Are you taking the actions internally that are going to lead you to the results that you want externally? Don’t get caught up in looking at the external circumstances and external tactics and think that those will help you reach profitability. If you don’t change internally first, if you don’t start exploring your perceptions about what are the stories you’re telling yourself, nothing you do externally will really make a difference.
You may think you want to create profitability, but your actions may not reflect that embodiment of a profitable musician. So think and reflect on what your gaps are. What are you saying you want in your life but you’re not actually doing anything about it? What are the behaviors that right now you may be wishing you could change but you haven’t yet committed to taking those action steps? Your journey starts there.

Asking Questions to Come into Alignment in your Profitability Journey
Start checking within yourself so that who you are being right now is in alignment with not only who you want to be but what you want for your business. How can you now be more intentional in mapping out the work you’re doing? understand that your questions are going to define the answers. The more you can ask yourself questions that are opening up possibilities versus reinforcing the obstacle, the more you’re going to start finding answers within yourself and within others as well. You can share these better questions with your team, too, if you have one. All that really matters is that you are asking yourself better questions.

Accept and Seek Out Help
Surround yourself by opportunities for help and by people who are willing to help you. Be open to being helped. So many people spend their life trying to prove to themselves that they can do it alone just because of unproductive pride. Maximizing your resources anywhere, including a community, is simply working smarter. Surround yourself with people who are lifting themselves up, and you want to lift others up, too.

The work I do as a business strategist for musician CEOs is all about that. It’s about creating that fertile ground for our clients to grow and become the next version of themselves. So that once they’ve done that they can then welcome the prosperity and abundance that they’ve been wanting all along. But it doesn’t happen unless you get yourself with the right guidance, and you’re open to getting help.
If you’re a musician with an online music business, I can show you how to maximize profitability in your business with strategic tweaks during my free Musician’s Profit Masterclass starting on August 14th at 12 pm EDT.

During these sessions, you’ll be able to:
- Discover the top three mindset blocks that are holding you back from living your musical dreams
- Break through those barriers and build a thriving business that aligns with your passions
- Tap into your musical creativity to create a new income stream or business without sacrificing the things you love
- Learn the secret “synergy rule” for creating a unique offering that showcases all of your skills and talents
- Attract premium-paying clients who are ready and willing to invest in working with you
- Achieve the perfect work-life balance with my simple 5-part “Musician’s Profit Umbrella” framework
Join me by clicking HERE. I can’t wait to see you there!
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