I’m still on cloud nine after yesterday’s interview with the amazing Amanda Marsrow as part of my “Musician Mothers Who Homeschool” series in my FB group Entrepreneurial Musician Mothers. It was so good to reconnect with Amanda after many years and to have her share her insights on life as a musician and a homeschooling mother of six.
Some of the insights Amanda and I discussed today included:
- How to create an arts-immersive environment at home to help your children better understand the context of the academic and musical concepts you are teaching them
- The benefits of embracing an entrepreneurial strategy while exploring markets and business opportunities
- Finding ways to reconcile motherhood and work while appreciating the time you have with your children
Missed today’s interview? No worries! You can watch the replay here. If you’d like to connect with Amanda, you may reach her via her studio website at Marsrow Music Piano Studio.
On another note, I’d like to share with you a unique opportunity to join me for an exciting online conversation to take place this coming Friday, April 3rd at 11am (CDT).
While everyone is impacted by the pandemic, you know musicians (and the entire arts community) have been hit especially hard.
But what if this could be an opportunity to reshape what it means to have a career in music?
Because let’s be real, it’s not like things were that great for musicians in February (you know – before corona)
A music career has its challenges, even in the best of times.
That’s why when my colleague, Jennifer Rosenfeld, asked me to be part of her virtual artist retreat, I had to say yes!
It’s called Classical Music Industry: Reinvented.
Along with 20+ other musicians, educators, coaches, and arts leaders, I’ll be sharing my experiences and insights on creating the radical shift the music industry needs…
So you can infuse your career with more joy, fulfillment and profit (no matter the economy)
Here’s a peek:
- Discover how to create income opportunities right now that you love so much, you’ll want to keep them after all this craziness passes
- Uncover how to shift your relationship with money so that you can feel empowered rather than limited (imagine raising your rates significantly while reducing the time you spend teaching)
- Supercharge your practice time and artistic work to unleash your creative genius
The event is free, so I hope you’ll join me (and spread the word to anyone else who might benefit).
I’m looking forward to Friday’s interview and hope you can virtually join me!

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