I’m thrilled to announce…
>> The Entrepreneurial Musician Mothers: Thrive in Music, Motherhood and Business (a private FB group) <<
When I think about an Entrepreneurial Musician Mother, I envision someone who can turn obstacles into opportunities.
→ Someone who is willing to redefine her priorities and set a new course of action to help create a new reality.
→ Someone who embraces the notion of creating the space for artistic fulfillment, amid all her other professional pursuits and family obligations.
→ Someone who not only becomes a role model for her children but also pursues a career path that inspires and positively impacts those around her.
This is the entrepreneurial approach from which I’ve designed my life, and from which I help my clients design theirs.
As musician mothers, being able to include artistic projects in our lives that allow us to stay active on our instrument, and have a continued sense of creative and emotional fulfillment, can be very challenging – especially now.
With the pandemic we face today, having our kids at home with us full time has made the struggle to balance being a musician and a mother even more difficult.
That’s why I’m inviting you to join me in a community of like-minded Entrepreneurial Musician Mothers, striving to create a new space for their own artistic fulfillment – in challenging times.
Although the thought of redesigning your life and taking action towards new goals can feel untimely, a moment of crisis can become an opportunity for you to pause and take a step back in order to reflect and re-evaluate your current reality.
It can be so helpful to explore the lessons you can learn from this moment.
If you ask yourself how this challenging reality can help you make decisions that can make you stronger in the long run, you might be surprised at what you discover.
Especially if this global crisis has affected your income streams and has placed you in a vulnerable position financially, it is a critical moment like this that can prompt you to ignite a sense of entrepreneurial action and innovation.
Think about how you could create change in your life if you use this challenging moment to reframe your current reality in an entrepreneurial way.
You could…
>> Design a professional life that gives you the space for artistic fulfillment while also helping increase your opportunities to become more financially secure
>> Work towards creating a daily routine in which you feel inspired and challenged on a regular basis, impacting your overall sense of fulfillment
>> Restructure your professional projects and normal schedule to be able to spend more time with your family
This does not mean all musician mothers need to be entrepreneurs.
But being entrepreneurial? That can be life-changing.
So no matter how challenging your current reality may seem, I encourage you to ask yourself these questions:
“What would my dream life look like where I’d be able to balance my current professional and artistic projects in a financially sustainable way, while still being able to support and be there for my family?”
“How could I transform this vision into my new reality?”
These are some of the questions that have helped the musicians I’ve coached create personal breakthroughs and redesign their lives.
So why create the Entrepreneurial Musician Mothers community?
To provide an avenue for musician mothers to come together and support each other in the quest for artistic, financial, and personal fulfillment.
To help women musicians realize their full potential in a way that positively impacts them, their families, and the communities they serve.
Musician mothers shouldn’t have to…
>> choose between motherhood and having an artistically fulfilling career
>> live in a constant state of overwhelm
>> struggle to give themselves the space or professional reason to nurture their artistic side
>> settle for a status quo that does not serve them!
I believe in a new reality where through all the challenges we are living as a society today, entrepreneurial musician mothers will emerge taking inspired action that creates artistic and financial opportunities for themselves and their families.
In turn, this will allow them to become empowered and fulfilled, while also becoming role models for their children and impacting their communities.
This is what the Entrepreneurial Musician Mothers community will build.
If you’d like to join me, click on the link below.
Entrepreneurial Musician Mothers FB Group

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