As we start the new school year, we’re all getting back into motion and there’s a sense of enthusiasm. But there’s also anxiety about going back to a hectic routine.
I know so many of you are ready to get off the hamster wheel and leave that continual state of burnout.
So, what does it take to make a massive leap in your life to something new?
Well, I just spent two days in beautiful West Palm Beach with a mentor of mine. I can tell you how good it feels to be supported, guided and held as I navigate the next level of growth in my business.
The truth is, we aren’t meant to make these leaps alone.
Before I opened my brick-and-mortar music school (we’ll be celebrating our 10 year anniversary later this month!) there were so many things I had to navigate like…
? Creating a music business plan
? Fundraising
? Hiring instructors
? Setting prices
? Client care
? Bookkeeping
? And so much more.
All this and I was a doctoral student at the time too, so I knew I had to make every minute count.
Now, I look back and I’m so proud of what I accomplished. But I still remember the fear that came with stepping out of the typical musician’s mindset of “waiting to be chosen.”
What if, as we return to the rhythm of normal life this Fall, you gave yourself the gift of being fully supported as you create a new revenue stream for you and your family?
All this is possible without burnout AND without sacrificing your family life, too.
Here’s what I know is available to you. With the right support, someone like me who understands your unique challenges and desires as a performer, instructor or music school owner.
You can…
? Increase your rates
? Create your own financial prosperity
? Present yourself in a more compelling way
? Win back your time
? Attract better quality and better paying clients
? Improve the structure of your business
Let me help you through this transition in a way that makes you feel empowered and let’s start this new school year with the hope that there IS a better way to make a living as a musician. You don’t have to choose between the two.
I’ll be discussing these strategies and much more in my upcoming 5-day free masterclass.
Curious about what you’ll learn? Here’s a high level overview to help you decide if attending is going to be the next best step for you:
Day 1 (Monday, August 23rd @ 11am CST)
The MPU Mindset Foundation
Day 2 (Tuesday, August 24th @ 11am CST)
Creating Clarity and Strategic Messaging
Day 3 (Wednesday, August 25th @ 11am CST)
Designing and Packaging Your Transformative Program
Day 4 (Thursday, August 26th @ 11am CST)
Activating and Pricing Your Program
Day 5 (Friday, August 27th @ 11am CST)
The Musician’s Profit Umbrella Roadmap to Achieve Success
Join my Facebook Group Musicians Creating Prosperity and my client concierge team would be happy to answer any questions that you may have about the upcoming 5-Day Masterclass.
Let’s Prosper Together,
P.S. Inside the Masterclass, I’ll walk you through my signature process (tried and tested over 5 years with hundreds of artists, music educators and studio owners) to create your own Musician’s Profit Umbrella®. Sign up here.
PPS. And if you are already registered, congratulations! I’m looking forward to connecting with you soon! ?
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