One of the things that I love to do as a coach is give plenty of free value to the members of my community.

Whether that’s through Facebook Live mini trainings multiple times per week, regular 5-Day Masterclasses and retreats, I love helping people achieve their first breakthrough. Because whether you’re a music teacher, educator or performer, the first step to creating a new income stream in your business is to shift your mindset around what’s possible.

I want to share with you some of the insights that participants of my latest free event experienced:

The number one obstacle I see time and time again with experienced musicians who are stepping into the online business space is this fear of stepping into their authority and standing out online. So many of my community members have these huge expectations around what it takes to:

? Stand out

? Own our authority

? And attract clients

There’s a deep fear of being criticized and worrying about what our peers will think.

This imposter syndrome also shows up as feeling like you need to read another book, get another degree or certification before you’re READY to step into this new role of entrepreneur. What I shared with the retreat participants (and what I want you to know right now) is that:

All you need to do is honor your accomplishments and not feel like you have to wait.

When I did my very first round of the program, I co-created it as I delivered the presentations. That didn’t deter me from standing up and inviting people to work with me. Even now, one of my clients has joined me for a third round of the program and she’s got to see the evolution of the program curriculum and delivery right before her eyes! I knew that I had the experience, insights, and knowledge – all in my head. If you know that you can help others and you have that experience and confidence, you’re really in a position to start transforming others’ lives.

I surrounded myself with mentors, but in the beginning, I was delivering and executing everything myself. And I was able to reach 6 figures in 6 months (even though I now realize the benefits of delegation and creating systems.) Taking action is what helps us build confidence as entrepreneurs. Overthinking creates doubt in our minds that this is even possible for us.

As I said to all of the participants in the retreat, “turn your takeaways into do-aways!”

It really is ALL about taking action.

Stepping into that energy of abundance and trusting that the right business idea is out there for us is really so incredibly powerful! What I really want you to remember is that you already have what it takes to succeed!

Let’s Prosper Together,


P.S. Tomorrow I’m sharing some of the big wins that members of my community have achieved…both through my free trainings and paid program. I can’t wait to share with you what they have accomplished.