Unlock the secrets to connecting genuinely and selling effectively in the music industry

Elevate Your Music Career with Authentic Sales Conversations!

Dive deep into Mastering the Art of Authentic Sales Conversations for Musicians' and discover how to blend your musical passion with genuine sales strategies that resonate with your audience.

  • Understand your unique value in the music market.
  • Master the art of creating meaningful conversations.
  • Learn to serve your audience and ethically address objections.
  • Lead with your mission to create lasting connections.

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About the Author

Dr. Fabiana Claure

Pianist and Business Strategist for Musicians

Fabiana, a concert pianist and former University professor turned 7-figure entrepreneur, has empowered thousands of musicians to scale their businesses and reclaim their time. Co-founding Superior Academy of Music® in 2011, she and her husband remotely managed the academy since 2016, achieving increased efficiency and profitability.

As the Founder and Director of the University of North Texas Music Business and Entrepreneurship Program (2016-2021), she spearheaded initiatives that assisted musicians in launching businesses and gaining recognition as a top-ranked program.

While in Academia, she launched her online mentorship program in 2020, using the Musician’s Profit Umbrella® method to help musicians globally scale their businesses. In 2021, she left her full-time University job to focus on her coaching business, performing/speaking career, family, and overall well-being, assisting musicians in unifying their skills and scaling their online music businesses for rapid financial expansion and purposeful life design.

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